Mobile Prototype Development 101

The overview of this challenge is to create a new tool or methodology or a guide to solving the issues that came up inside the team when they were developing a mobile application. It is crucial to assign the roles and the responsibilities, and also to assign the area of action for each role.
Company name The Umbrella Foundation
Country Greece
Economic Sector Digital technology
Contact Person - name and surname Alex Smith
E-mail address
Company website

Sector of the Challenge Digital technology
Underlying problem(s) or opportunity/ies Many times we face problems when we try to develop a mobile application. The main issues come up in the development process because we don't have a methodology/guide to follow in order to make this process faster. So, we have to develop a tool or a methodology in order to simplify the mobile development process and assign roles and tasks to the team.
Reason for facing this particular problem or opportunity The main reason about this problem is the roles that each team member has in the development phase. We need a tool or a methodology to be able to assign roles, tasks and the whole process to proceed smoothly.
Evidence to support the problem or opportunity 1) There are approximately 3.2 billion smartphone users worldwide, and this number keeps on growing further. 2)It is estimated that the number of smartphone users will be up to 7.5 billion by the year 2026, which once again shows how much of a lucrative venue mobile app development is.
Skills and competencies needed to solve the problem or seize the opportunity (i.e., the company’s “Challenge”) Problem solvingCommunicationCollaboration
Expected result(s) or impact of the solutions to the company’s “Challenge” to be proposed by the students Expected results for this challenge could be a new methodology or tool about mobile application development.
Availability of company mentors (START date)
Availability of company mentors (END date)
Availability of company mentors (n. of hours) 20
Challenge size and scope No, the company would like to keep this a local project
Maximum number of groups of students 3
Deadline for expression of interest 09/07/2022
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Challenge Status. This challenge will be reviewed by the SEED Administrators Published