Company name | Papagayo & Choco |
Country | Slovenia |
Economic Sector | Tourism, restaurants, hospitality |
Contact Person - name and surname | Gordan |
E-mail address | |
Company website | |
Sector of the Challenge | Tourism, restaurants, hospitality |
Underlying problem(s) or opportunity/ies | Naš izziv bo vpeljevanje narezkov v redno gostinsko ponudbo. Učenci pa bodo kreatorji novih produktov |
Reason for facing this particular problem or opportunity | -Veliko povpraševanje -.Majhna ponudba -Podpiranje lokalnega -Podpiranje ohranjanje tradicionalnih jedi -Ogromna izbirasestavin |
Evidence to support the problem or opportunity | Veliko ljudje povprašuje po narezkih in mnogi pravijo da si želijo takšnega druženja |
Skills and competencies needed to solve the problem or seize the opportunity (i.e., the company’s “Challenge”) | Creativity |
Expected result(s) or impact of the solutions to the company’s “Challenge” to be proposed by the students | Učence čaka velika motivacija, saj bo ob narezku ,napisano tudi ime Učenca. Narezki bodo konstantno na meniju. Mi kot podjetje pa si obetamo obogatitev naše ponudbe. |
Availability of company mentors (START date) | 11/11/2022 |
Availability of company mentors (END date) | 11/11/2022 |
Availability of company mentors (n. of hours) | 300 |
Challenge size and scope | No, the company would like to keep this a local project |
Maximum number of groups of students | 3 |
Deadline for expression of interest | 11/11/2022 |
GDPR Agreement | I have read the |
Challenge Status. This challenge will be reviewed by the SEED Administrators | Published |