Logistika surovin

Optimiranje procesa dostave, tehtanja, sortiranja in preskladiščenja surovin ob iskanju ergonomskih, sistemskih in avtomatiziranih rešitev.
Company name Henkel d.o.o.
Country Slovenia
Economic Sector Industry and construction
Contact Person - name and surname Milenka Strašek, Nenad Kuharič
E-mail address nenad.kuharic@henkel.com
Company website


Sector of the Challenge Industry and construction
Underlying problem(s) or opportunity/ies Optimizacija logistike s postavitvijo optimalnega toka materialov pri procesu tehtanja surovin (strežba surovin- nastavljena časovnica kaj se streže, koliko premikov je potrebno... + sortiranje surovin – možnost avt. transporta iz komor do sortiranja surovin in vračilom surovin).
Reason for facing this particular problem or opportunity - prostorska stiska in neoptimalen tok materialov - ergonomija zaposlenih - učinkovitost izvajanja de
Evidence to support the problem or opportunity - učinkovito sledenje potrebam proizvodnega postopka - potrebna fizična moč za izvajanje dela, ergonmomija
Skills and competencies needed to solve the problem or seize the opportunity (i.e., the company’s “Challenge”) Information and data literacyCommunication and collaboration Digital content creationProblem solving
Expected result(s) or impact of the solutions to the company’s “Challenge” to be proposed by the students Logistične in sistemske rešitve
Availability of company mentors (START date) 25/11/2022
Availability of company mentors (END date) 28/02/2023
Availability of company mentors (n. of hours) 2
Challenge size and scope Yes, the company would like to make this an international project
Maximum number of groups of students 2
Deadline for expression of interest 28/02/2023
GDPR Agreement

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Challenge Status. This challenge will be reviewed by the SEED Administrators Published

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