Creation of multimedial content centered on venetian art and interior design

Dogado Agency wants to increase its coverage and engagement on all the main social platforms, creating historical (on the history of Venetian art) or technical (on the world of interior design) content that manages to reach and involve the target audience in effective and possibly innovative way
Company name Dogado Agency
Country Italy
Economic Sector Other
Contact Person - name and surname Alessandro Berto
E-mail address
Company website

Sector of the Challenge Other
Underlying problem(s) or opportunity/ies We are having difficulty actively dedicating ourselves to social media management, especially as regards the publication of historical/architectural material on Venice and the writing of articles concerning the world of interior design
Reason for facing this particular problem or opportunity We are all already engaged in other tasks, we do not have the historical knowledge necessary to talk about the history of Venetian art, we do not have the necessary skills to write technical or educational posts/articles regarding interior design, we do not have in-depth knowledge of all social platforms
Evidence to support the problem or opportunity Poor growth of our social pages audience, low engagement, our posts are aesthetic but not educational/informative, which we would like to include in our publications
Skills and competencies needed to solve the problem or seize the opportunity (i.e., the company’s “Challenge”) Digital content creationProblem solvingCreativity
Expected result(s) or impact of the solutions to the company’s “Challenge” to be proposed by the students Organic growth on social platforms and involvement of a target audience interested in the history of Venetian art and art in general, as well as technicians working in interior design
Availability of company mentors (START date) 01/09/2023
Availability of company mentors (END date) 15/05/2024
Availability of company mentors (n. of hours) 6
Challenge size and scope No, the company would like to keep this a local project
Maximum number of groups of students 3
Deadline for expression of interest 31/08/2023
GDPR Agreement

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Challenge Status. This challenge will be reviewed by the SEED Administrators Published