Improving smart working and cohesion for a diffused team

Given that it has a diffused team working across different regions, how might we help Amploom facilitate team cohesion in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness in projects, even though geographic distance and project team dispersion make it difficult to maintain relationships with other Amploomers?

Company name Amploom
Country Italy
Economic Sector Digital technologyOther
Contact Person - name and surname Stefano Franzon
E-mail address
Company website

Sector of the Challenge Digital technology, Other
Underlying problem(s) or opportunity/ies Amploom is a design consulting company with a team based in three different Italian regions (Veneto, Lombardia, Emilia Romagna), with clients spread across those same regions as well. We use digital tools to collaborate everyday, but it is sometimes difficult to maintain the relationship with the Amploomers working in another region, especially if you are not working in the same projects. We already do a weekly team meeting online and a physical reunion every two months, but we still have some difficulty in maintaining contact with other Amploomers’ reality.
Reason for facing this particular problem or opportunity The team is geographically diffused and we meet one another every two months. Interaction with specific people of the team is project-based, i.e. if you are not conducting a project with a specific colleague, you will very unlikely have the occasion to interact with her. Our clients are spread across different regions as well, therefore we have to travel a lot. This also prevents physical or digital interactions (the priority is the preparation and delivery of a workshop).
Evidence to support the problem or opportunity We happen to see one another every two months on company meet-ups, unless we have some common project leading us to the same city. We often do not know which projects the other Amploomers are involved in. It is consequently difficult to share the expertise and learning on new topics acquired through research and practice.
Skills and competencies needed to solve the problem or seize the opportunity (i.e., the company’s “Challenge”) Communication and collaboration Problem solvingEmpathyCritical Thinking
Expected result(s) or impact of the solutions to the company’s “Challenge” to be proposed by the students A tool, a ritual or - more in general - a new way of working that could favour team cohesion and effectiveness.
Availability of company mentors (START date) 01/09/2023
Availability of company mentors (END date) 22/12/2023
Availability of company mentors (n. of hours) 1
Challenge size and scope Yes, the company would like to make this an international project
Maximum number of groups of students 3
Deadline for expression of interest 01/08/2023
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Challenge Status. This challenge will be reviewed by the SEED Administrators Published