Company name | ENTER International |
Country | Italy |
Economic Sector | Tourism, restaurants, hospitalityEducationPublic administration |
Contact Person - name and surname | Felipe Bezzerra |
E-mail address | |
Company website | |
Sector of the Challenge | Cultural and Creative Sector, Digital technology, Education, Public administration, Tourism, restaurants, hospitality |
Underlying problem(s) or opportunity/ies | The Italian territory boasts a rich heritage of historical and cultural values. As a non-profit organization, we have encountered a growing challenge in bridging the gap between the local Italian community and broader international networks. Our primary objective is to establish a network of students and provide them with sustainable opportunities that enable international engagement, democratize education, and foster intergenerational collaboration between industry professionals and youth. Our vision is to create connections that empower Italian students, allowing them to access sustainable opportunities on a global scale. By doing so, we hope to promote a more inclusive and interconnected educational landscape. Our mission extends beyond mere academic pursuits; we aim to facilitate meaningful interactions between young minds and experienced professionals, creating a mutually beneficial relationship for both generations. |
Reason for facing this particular problem or opportunity | >Lack of communication of opportunities in the Italian territory and high bureaucracy for people to connect with Italian Schools. Take as an example the difficulties experienced by Branch out for justice and Fridays for Future in connecting with local realities. This is true also for political parties and governmental organizations. >Nationalism. Italians have been deeply impacted by fascism and nationalism which has led to an enclosure towards the pure italian blood descendancy. This has therefore also led to a distance from EU opportunities and a very limited perception of extracurricular activities as a worthwhile time. >Industries are unaware of the economic development students bring. Since most students come from non technical schools any internship is seen as an “obligation” to comply with by each company. In reality a collaboration between youth and organization can turn out to be highly beneficial and go beyond a secretary printing numb tasks. However there must be commitment from the students' side. > Sustainability is seen always as environmental sustainability and usually connected to activism. Such a concept leads us to a negative perception of sustainable choice. In reality sustainability can lead to more profit, less costs, better quality life and urban efficiency. > Initiatives undertaken in Bassano del Grappa are usually strictly bound to having a high quantity of funding. Students and Entrepreneurs feel limited by the lacking funds and do not act, being unaware of the volunteering opportunities. > Youth is seen as responsible but lacking experience. Usually industries and companies avoid employing youth and choose something more safe for their monetary investments. Being so, students end up not being able to launch their careers. >Small emphasis on marketing, personal branding and linkedin accounts that lower our chances to connect directly with motivated and passionate students in our same field. |
Evidence to support the problem or opportunity | Context: 1) Difficulties in engaging with students outside of school hours, leading to limited extracurricular involvement. Unlike the American educational system that encourages students to balance professional and extracurricular success, Italian schools primarily prioritize academic achievements with a focus on some sporty activities. This difference in approach may result in certain events or initiatives struggling to match the typical behavior of the Italian educational context. 2) Not all members, students, and volunteers are willing to go the extra mile. There is no prevailing 'extra hour culture,' and individuals often limit their participation to what is strictly required, whether in work or school projects. While this might prevent overwork, it also hinders student engagement in extracurricular activities. 3) The relationship between industry and students in internship environments has been challenging. There is often a perception of inadequacy from both the school and industry perspectives. Especially in non-technical schools, professors wonder how to place students in internship fields without the necessary specific knowledge. Improving foundational knowledge in schools or providing students with experiences where they can learn from scratch and acquire content on the go could be potential solutions. 4) There are limited activities that connect Italian youth to an international context. While the Erasmus experience is a wonderful funded opportunity, students often associate it solely with university exchanges, overlooking its potential for high schoolers and other demographics. To address this, better communication is needed to make students aware of the vast range of opportunities available to them. |
Skills and competencies needed to solve the problem or seize the opportunity (i.e., the company’s “Challenge”) | Communication and collaboration Digital content creationCritical ThinkingSpotting opportunitiesPlanning and management |
Expected result(s) or impact of the solutions to the company’s “Challenge” to be proposed by the students | We expect our students to focus on the following key points: 1) Connecting Local Reality to an International Network: Students should strive to create innovative ways to connect their local reality to an international network of leaders or opportunities. While appreciating the existing Eurodesk/Erasmus opportunities, we encourage them to think beyond the conventional and come up with unique approaches that distinguish their projects from mainstream programs. 2) Emphasizing Sustainability or Justice: The central focus of their projects should remain on sustainability or justice as a whole. Students have the freedom to propose solutions that empower youth and contribute to a more sustainable and just future. 3) Empowerment of Youth Leaders with Intergenerational Connection: We highly value the empowerment of youth leaders, who are under 30 years old, while also recognizing the importance of fostering strong intergenerational connections. Students should design initiatives that promote collaboration and knowledge exchange between different age groups. 4) Building Upon Previous Events and Exploring International Implementation: Students are encouraged to consider previous events hosted by ENTER and explore the possibility of expanding or implementing them in other countries. They will have access to relevant documents from ENTER's previous events, which they can use as a basis for their ideas. 5) Engaging Partners from Previous Events: It is crucial for students to directly involve partners from ENTER's previous events, such as Treviso Creativity Week and Branch Out for Justice. They can freely choose any of these partners to collaborate with, and we will provide them with an initial speech outlining the partnership and past events ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Students could... A) Sustainable Event Planning Platform: Develop an all-in-one digital platform that empowers event organizers to plan, manage, and execute sustainable events seamlessly. The platform should provide tools and resources for eco-friendly venue selection, waste reduction strategies, carbon footprint tracking, and sustainability reporting. Consider how the platform can cater to events of different sizes and types, from local community gatherings to large-scale conferences. B) Youth-Led Sustainable Event Initiative: Create a project that encourages and supports young individuals to take the lead in organizing and implementing sustainable events within their communities or educational institutions. The initiative should include mentorship programs, funding opportunities, and resources to help young event organizers learn about sustainability best practices, project management, and community engagement. C) Innovative Eco-Friendly Event Technologies: Invent and present cutting-edge technologies or concepts that can be integrated into events to reduce environmental impact. This may include energy-efficient lighting, sustainable event signage, waste management solutions, or renewable energy-powered infrastructure. The focus should be on practical and scalable technologies that can revolutionize the events industry while promoting sustainability. |
Availability of company mentors (START date) | 23/07/2023 |
Availability of company mentors (END date) | 23/07/2023 |
Availability of company mentors (n. of hours) | 10 |
Challenge size and scope | Yes, the company would like to make this an international project |
Maximum number of groups of students | 3 |
Deadline for expression of interest | 23/07/2023 |
GDPR Agreement | I have read the |
Challenge Status. This challenge will be reviewed by the SEED Administrators | Published |