Submit a Challenge

Fill in the form to submit your challenge

Thank you for your interest in the SEED project. This form is aimed at identifying a project (which we will refer to as a “Challenge”), your company could propose to students to work on.
By “Challenge” we mean a (creative or technical) project a company would like students to work on within a defined time-period. The inspiration for a “Challenge” can be a problem or an opportunity the company is currently facing or would like to explore.
We kindly ask you to reply to the set of questions below to the best of your ability/knowledge. This will help both you and the schools to identify a suitable group of students to work on your Challenge. You can download the submission questions form by clicking the button.
Please take into account that saving incomplete drafts of this form is not possible. Therefore, please make sure that you have enough time and information to complete the form in full. In case you need a template of the form, please download it by clicking on the link below.

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