About us
Our project in a nutshell
The main objective of the project and of the SEED platform is to offer an alternative and innovative approach to work-based learning pathways guaranteeing their continuity in any context.
SEED capitalises on existing creativity-based methodologies to provide ready-to-use solutions, developed and tested at European level, for secondary schools and vocational schools.
Specific Objectives
Based on this main objective, SEED also intends:
to recognise the importance of creativity as a crucial transversal competence for students in order to better cope with the increasing demand for innovation in all sectors of the labour market and, in general, to improve their resilience;
to enhance the use of ‘work-based learning’ as a key pillar for faster and more successful student access to the labour market;
to equip vocational education with the necessary skills and digital solutions to manage on-distance learning experiences based on creative methodologies;
to contribute to the enhancement of EU educational policies by testing and providing a new digital solution that enables European educational institutions to continue to deliver ‘work-based learning’ and maintain crucial relationships with companies.
SEED started with a baseline study to identify the key elements of work-based learning systems in partner countries (Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Spain) and the creative methodologies and digital solutions that are usually applied to these experiences.
The toolkit draft was evaluated and integrated through local Co-Design Labs carried out in all countries with the involvement of 3 key stakeholders (company mentors, school teachers and tutors).
This action paved the way for the definition of the digital learning environment for the application of the SEED methodology.
The SEED Toolkit was tested internally within the partnership and then through the local SEED Communities.
Training sessions with school tutors and company mentors took place in 4 countries (Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Spain) and prepared the field for local pilots, where the Toolkit was tested through real work-based learning experiences.
With the feedback gathered during the pilots, the SEED Handbook for distance or blended work-based learning projects will be finalised and disseminated through 4 multiplier events.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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