Mission Model Canva


Mission model canvas is a great method to help you take into account and better understand a mission model and functioning principles of a non-profit company/organization in a structured way while focusing you on the key areas to address.

What can you do?
Try to understand the company/organization (which provided your challenge) and its perspective. Get familiar with its current mission functioning by identifying the key characteristics of its mission model. Think about each aspect in the recommended order and try to answer belonging questions:

  • BENEFICIARYSEGMENTS – Who benefits from the value company/organization creates? What kind of people or communities? Who benefits directly and who indirectly? Segment the beneficiaries based on similarities.
  • VALUE PROPOSITION – What is company’s/organization’s product or service? What does the company/organization offer beneficiaries? What is its special value/benefit?
  • BENEFICIARY RELATIONSHIPS – What type of relationship does the company/organization have with each of its beneficiary
    segments? How does it interact with them? How does it maintain the relationship? Is it in person, through third party, automated
  • CHANNELS – What are the touchpoints where beneficiaries come into contact with company’s/organization’s solution? How does it deliver/widespread its solution/value proposition? Is it social media, events, flyers, website, advertising, email…?
  • IMPACT METRICS – What are the quantifiable measures of impact and achievements? How does the company/organization monitor delivered benefits and proposed value?
  • KEY ACTIVITIES – What are the tasks and actions that company/organization must make for its mission to work? What activities does the company/organization have to undertake in achieving the value proposition, generating impact, reaching beneficiary segments and maintaining beneficiary relationships?
  • KEY RESOURCES – What resources (people, knowledge, equipment, copyright, money…) are needed to achieve the key activities of the company’s/organization’s mission?
  • KEY PARTNERS – Which external partners (people, companies or suppliers) does the company/organization need to perform its key activities and achieve the value proposition?
  • COST STRUCTURE – What are company’s/organization’s (top) costs of its mission/product/service? How much does it cost to fulfill the key activities and achieve value proposition? Are there any additional costs? How is the mission funded? What financing mechanisms are used?

You may need to pause your activity and get more information, which is completely fine.

More information about mission model canvas here and here.

Example Template