Meet our consortium
The SEED project is built on a partnership of experts in vocational training and education, digital learning environments and creativity-based learning methodologies.
The partnership consists of the following organisations:
Alterevo Società Benefit srl (Lead Partner, Italy), Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari (Italy), Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Vittorio Veneto” Città della Vittoria (Italy), Fundacija Prizma (Slovenia), Srednja ekonomska šola in gimnazija Maribor (Slovenia), InterMediaKT (Greece), El Caleidoscopio (Spain).
Alterevo Società Benefit srl
Alterevo is a small consultancy constituted in 2018 by a group of senior professionals active in the field of innovative consultancy for the strategic development of projects and initiatives, through digital and social innovation-based solutions. Company’s vision is the “Europeisation” of territories and organisations, trough the development of “impact projects”. Alterevo, through its members which have also long experience in the management and monitor/evaluation activities of European projects and networks, can provide efficient coordination of transnational partnership for the overall management of EU project.
Alterevo main fields of expertise are VET and enterpreneurship consultancy and training, social enterprise boosting and social innovation, creative projects through digitalisation: it provides a team of experts with different backgrounds able to understand and interpret the development and innovation needs of Institutions, Organizations, Associations and Companies, enhancing them through co-generative and collaborative approaches and crossing them with the main existing funding lines, not only at local, regional or national level, but also and above all at EU level. In fact Alterevo, thanks to the experience of its components, collaborate with a very extense regional, national and above all international networks useful for building partnerships with a propensity to innovation.
Venice Ca’ Foscari University Foundation
Venice Ca’ Foscari University Foundation is a subsidiary of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice constituted in November 2010 to reinforce, enrich and further develop the programs offered by the University. Ca’ Foscari Foundation operates in the following fields: project management for knowledge transfer, Masters and longlife learning programmes, events and cultural productions, publishing, network development and promotion. These services are aimed at strengthening the connections between the University and the socio-economic environment at local, regional, national and international level, in order to foster innovation and development for its target stakeholders. The Foundation employs about 100 staff and collaborators (excluding faculty), involving an average of about 2.000 companies and external parties per year. Ca’ Foscari Foundation’s initiatives have had positive effects both for the University (in terms of economic and outreach return for research) and for the regional business environment, by concentrating on crucial issues of technology transfer and knowledge, such as projects related to the environment, sustainable tourism, business development and social and cultural topics.
Institute of VET Higher Education "Vittorio Veneto" City of Victory
The Institute of VET Higher Education “Vittorio Veneto” City of Victory was established by resolution n. 4421 of the Veneto Regional Council of December 28, 2007 as a result of a rationalization of 4 high schools in the area: the Professional Institute for Commercial Services (later sold out in 2013), the Professional Institute for Industry and Craftsmanship, the Technical Commercial Institute (today Technical Economic Institute) and the Technical Industrial Institute (today Technical Technological Institute), collecting a legacy dating back, in the case of the Professional Institute, to the early ‘900.
IIS Città della Vittoria has a very advanced and recognized experience in technical education: ITIS in particular in recent years developed a significant number of “extra-ordinary” (afternoon) experiences: 1) robotics: groups of students participated in “NAO challenge” and in “first Lego League” competitions, with very good results; 2) business competition: a group of students, partially coming also from other schools in Vittorio Veneto, participated in a business competition in the framework of an ESF Funded project , where they won the first prize; 3) TECNICAMENTE project idea competition: promoted by Adecco, where students apply with an idea and the evaluation commission is composed by teachers and companies and the winner obtain the possibility of stages abroad; 4) Association School Lab: it is an association composed by teachers, parents and other subjects of the territory who activates, together with fund raising action in order to buy crucial equipment for didactic activities (bypassing bureaucracy), 2 different competition each year, one dedicated to a specific technological tasks (this year is creating a digital clock!) and one open to every technological idea; 5) Project CAME : it is a specific company-sponsored project where a class is involved in creating ideas and where a single student is ensured an apprenticeship paths within the firm. It is worth to say that within ITIS there are some profiles (web programming, web design, robotics, etc…) requiring more creativity than others (accountancy, financial administration, etc…), but the plan of the school is to give every student the opportunity to explode his or her creative side.
PRIZMA Foundation for Improvement of Employment Possibilities
PRIZMA Foundation for Improvement of Employment Possibilities, an institution, was funded in July 2011 according to the Law of Labour Market Regulation (Gazette of Republic of Slovenia No. 80/10) – ZUTD and is the legal successor of Regional Labour Fundation of Podravje (RLFP), funded in 2000 as a non-profit organisation for active labour market policy measures implementation. Foundation PRIZMA is one of the key actors on the labour market responsible for matching supply and demand on the labour market. Foundation PRIZMA cooperates closely with Employment Office Of Slovenia (Regional Office Maribor) which are among members of PRIZMA’s boards. Foundation PRIZMA is involved in the sustainable development of new active labour market policies and tools suitable for the provision of social needs in the Podravje region and wider. PRIZMA Foundation activities are directed towards the field of active aging and provision of appropriate competencies through lifelong learning processes. It provides information, advising, training, education and contribute wider access to information, foster employment, mobility and activity of the population, especially to elder 50+.
PRIZMA has experiences in developing & delivering comprehensive trainings for individuals & companies, state-of-the-art surveys, integration of different stakeholders, project management, organizing & executing of events. PRIZMA implemented a series of innovative cooperation projects, which among other included development and implementation of pilot actions related to creating of favourable environment for training, learning and entrepreneurship as well as evaluation and adaptation of newly developed pilot actions. PRIZMA has expertise in coordination and streamlining newly developed initiatives into regular practices. PRIZMA has extensive experience in implementing EU funded, cross-border, transnational, interregional projects, both as project partner and lead partner. According to statistics, 56% of older people in Slovenia do not have any digital competences, which is lower than the EU average (42 %). 57% of 66-74 year olds have never used the internet before. In Slovenia in 2011 the Simbioza project brought together more than 2500 young volunteers who introduced 5700 elders the basic computer skills. The project was a success and therefore repeated in 2012 and 2013 achieving outstanding results. Call 2020 Round 1 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA226 – Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness Form ID: KA226-D3BC9280 Deadline (Brussels Time) 2020-10-29 12:00:00 EN
Social Media
Srednja ekonomska šola in gimnazija Maribor
Srednja ekonomska šola in gimnazija Maribor comprises about 430 students and 40 teachers. It is located in the centre of Maribor, near the train station. Our students are coming from Maribor and its surroundings. We are a vocational school and gymnasium focused on entrepreneurship as well as preparing students for further education at university. Some 25 years ago as the first school in Slovenia, we started practical education in a virtual company, which is now a standard for all economics schools in the country. Our other focus is developing active (and digital) citizenship competences for our students and teachers.
InterMediaKT is an NGO based in Patras, Greece, working since 2012 as a broker for vocational education, training and innovation at the European level. Through technology tools, collaborations and exchange of good practices, we try to achieve our main aim of Knowledge Transfer. Acting as an intermediate advisor, we come in contact with professionals who are experts in their field and able to provide us with the essential information, so that we in turn can offer appropriate guidance to citizens. Our means of communication mainly include web-based platforms and e-learning activities, Internet, Social Media and mobile applications, as well as activities, training seminars, dissemination and sustainability strategies. We keep on track with technological advances, and in turn provide portable and easily accessible information to our end users. Up to now, our organization counts more than 35 participations in national and international projects together with many more volunteering activities. It has 24,000 direct beneficiaries, and our work has been widely recognized at regional and national level.
El Caleidoscopio Proyectos de Ciencia y Cultura S.L
El Caleidoscopio Proyectos de Ciencia y Cultura S.L, funded in 2013 in Alicante, is a Spanish SME company, whose mission is to promote the culture of science, technology and innovation in society through three well-defined fields of action: education, social communication and citizen participation. It is also a start-up of University Miguel Hernández de Elche and is located in Alicante and in the science parks of the Universities of Valencia and Miguel Hernández in Elche. The services and products of El Caleidoscopio are characterized by their:
– Innovation in science communication projects, looking for original formats with a great social impact
– Design and development of tailored projects with an integral solution in their management, including advice and consultancy in specialized communication
– Use of novel technologies and internet to achieve a real participation and greater representation of the involved agents
– Scientific objectivity
– Search for strategic partners and co-funding
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